It is now some time since the seed for this idea was planted, but we had to be patient and try to keep quiet about a project that is very close to our hearts. As of today, […]
Valentine, Benjamin and Linjing will be delighted to receive you on Monday to Sunday at Château de La Dauphine. . . Our organic and biodynamic vineyard, our common history with Versailles, and our wines and foods pairing […]
CHÂTEAUX DE LA DAUPHINE AND CANON PÉCRESSE JOIN FORCES ON TWO GREAT FRONSAC TERROIRS The Labrune family (Château de La Dauphine) and the Pécresse family (Château Canon Pécresse) have entered a partnership agreement to develop these two […]
After several days of intense activity in our organic & biodynamic vineyard, all the grapes were finally harvested. Time to head to the vat room for fermentation and then transfer of the wines from the vats. Harvesting […]
This year, the Châteaude La Dauphine team is offering a new product for your summer: Blanc de Noirs! Château de La Dauphine has a historical association with royalty, that it shares with Versailles, due to the fact […]
We’re proud to announce that as part of the new Bordeaux wine campaign JOIN THE BORDEAUX CREW in the United States, Château de La Dauphine is lighting up Times Square in New York. Un rayonnement mondial et […]